What is Apple Vision Pro used for?

Apple have recently introduced Apple Vision Pro which can be used in both industries like automation and for personal use. It provides lifelike visual experiences, immersive encounters, and much more, especially while watching movies.

You may think Apple only makes iPhone, iPads and Macbooks but their product list goes way beyond. Apple Vision Pro is your first step towards an AR world to experience something unique you have never before. 

What Is Apple Vision Pro?

The Apple Vision Pro is the first wearable Augmented Reality headset from Apple and in short it’s Apple’s first 3D camera. So, you can relieve your cherished memories and feel like you are there yourself.

The main objective of this is to integrate the virtual and physical worlds. Apple describes the Vision Pro as the most powerful and realistic piece of personal technology ever, referring to it as a “spatial computer.”

Any space may be converted into your own personal theater with Vision Pro. With Spatial Audio, you can enlarge your videos, television shows, and video games to the ideal size while still feeling immersed in the moment.

Vision Pro delivers a completely three-dimensional user interface and a limitless canvas for programs that expands past the limitations of a conventional display.

What Is Apple Vision Pro Used For?

When it comes to uses for Apple Vision pro, there are countless and this product is still under development so Apple hasn’t fully yet disclosed all the exclusive features. 

However, from our research we could find out a few key uses that this unique headset can bring to the table. 

Real life like experience

Entertainment like enjoying movies and games are no longer constricted to your simple small display. With the Apple Vision Pro, all these can come into real life like experience. 

This AR headset comes with spatial audio and more pixels than even 4K TVs so you will feel like you are part of the action when watching any content or playing any games. 

Relive Memories

With immersive Spatial Audio, you can record entrancing spatial images and films in 3D and then relive those priceless moments like never before. 

Additionally, you can make our older pictures and videos stand out too thanks to this unique technology. 

Moreover, You will also experience panoramas that wrap around you, giving you the impression that you are standing exactly where the photos were taken.

All Apps Together 

Another great use of Apple Vision Pro is you can have access to all your important apps together which otherwise would be impossible in your phone or even high powered computers. 

Your use of apps is revolutionized by the infinite canvas feature, which lets you scale and organize all the apps anyway you choose. 

You can layout your perfect workstation and achieve your productivity goals by placing applications wherever and adjusting their size.

Virtual meetings 

Virtual meetings are really helpful especially when you cannot be present physically. However our TV, laptops often end up having less space to accommodate all the people in a call together and Apple Vision Pro fixes this issue.

This headset allows you to have smooth communication wherever you are and you can add as many people in your call as you want. 

As additional people join the conversation, the FaceTime video tiles are shown in life-size and the call is expanded within your virtual environment. 

Moreover, you can even interact with coworkers concurrently on shared documents using applications within FaceTime.

Quality Assurance in manufacturing process

Vision Pro is not only adaptable for home and personal usage, it can also be used for industrial works. 

As this works by intelligence augmentation and spatial computer technology it can help workers in the manufacturing process to detect any quality issues. 

So, as a result this can speed up the manufacturing process and ensure 100% accurate products. 

Can be used for training employees

This AR headset can also come in great use for training employees in industries and allow them to complete any given work at a higher pace.  

It helps staff members learn new duties, find knowledge in strange settings, and use the camera system to get professional advice for the best problem-solving. 

How Does The Vision Pro Work?

The Vision Pro from Apple uses intelligence AR technology to work which is different from the regular VR technology that we know of. 

Apple has introduced a new operating system known as visionOS to run this complex machine. 

This new operating system allows the developers to develop apps specifically for Vision Pro using similar kinds of programming languages like Xcode, RealityKit and more.

So, the visionOS employs a variety of cameras from Vision Pro to flawlessly merge the physical and digital worlds. You can use it to explore and engage with a variety of 3D materials and activities.

An engaging multi-sensory experience is delivered by the operating system’s seamless integration of dependable and consistent visual interfaces with dynamic floating UI components and realistic sound raytracing. 

The adaptable environment also enhances users’ impression of scale and distance by autonomously responding to shadows and natural sunlight.

There are no hardware-based control mechanisms for it. Only your hands, voice, and eyes are needed to operate Vision Pro. 

Users may control items in the virtual area in front of them using eye tracking and hand movements.

Cost And Release Date For Apple Vision Pro

Even though the demo version of the Apple Vision Pro was shown in tech events and many users were able to get some hands- on experiences with it. 

But, the official product is still not out yet on the market. Apple announced this AR headset officially on June 5, 2023 in the WWDC conference. 

However, the exact release date is yet to be disclosed but according to Apple we can expect the Vision Pro to hit the US market around 2024 and is expected to be priced around $3,499. 

The price is nowhere cheap but luckily if you are interested to buy one you can schedule an appointment in an Apple Store. 

This will allow you to receive a demo and the opportunity to customize your fit before purchasing the final product.


The Apple Vision Pro is not any regular headset and it is much more than that, it has uses in both industries and homes. So, this FAQs section below will tell you more about this.

Does Apple Vision Pro require a computer?

Apple Vision Pro itself is a spatial computer device that comes with its own processors and everything else. So, it doesn’t need to connect with any other Mac devices or computers to operate properly. However, it can still connect with other Apple devices.

Does Apple Vision Pro work with glasses?

Unfortunately, the Apple Vision Pro is not compatible with glasses and there’s no additional space inside the headset for wearing glasses. But luckily, you can pay extra and Apple will make custom magnetic lens inserts that will attach to the headset. 

Is the Vision Pro wireless?

Apple Vision Pro will work wirelessly, but it will still require a wired charger to get it charged. But as the final product is yet to be released in the market there can be many changes in the overall device and how it works. 

Final Words

We no longer need to stay constrained within a small screen of our TV or laptop for our work or enjoying movies, everything is closer to our hand now. 

Apple Vision Pro exactly does that, it brings everything closer to your hand to give you a real life experience and make you feel you are at that very position. 

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