Is Apple Vision Pro VR or AR?

The newest and probably the biggest tech news of this year is the announcement of Apple Vision Pro. You might think of it as a regular VR headset but it is not!

The Apple Vision Pro is an Augmented Reality or AR headset. 

VR headsets are nothing new and that’s old tech now but the Vision Pro uses something new which is known as Augmented Reality or commonly said as AR. So, there’s a lot to discuss about this relatively new technology.

Is Apple Vision Pro VR Or AR?

Apple Vision Pro mostly works using Augmented Reality or commonly known as AR however it also uses a combination of VR. 

A slider on the Vision Pro allows users to choose between full virtual reality and augmented reality. Spatial images and movies can be captured with Vision Pro. 

Additionally, it can make a bright area seem like a gloomy theater which are the key specs for any AR related products.

The interface’s design makes use of the surroundings you’re already familiar with. It records the actual surroundings and converts them into a realistic visual experience within the headset. 

Beyond the limitations of traditional screens, it offers an infinite canvas for applications. It debuts a fully three-dimensional user interface that can be used with ease via instinctive and intuitive inputs. 

Apple doesn’t like to call the Vision Pro any regular headset, instead it uses the term “Spatial Computer” to address this product.

The whole device works using Apple’s signature high powered M2 chip and it also contains another new R1 chip so calling it a computer won’t be a bad idea. 

The M2 will take care of the customary applications and functionality, while the R1 will take care of the mixed reality and sensor components that make up Vision Pro.

This augmented reality system smoothly overlays its own intuitive user interface, a variety of useful apps, and interesting material over the image that represents your environment. 

What is Virtual Reality?

VR or Virtual reality is a kind of simulation but it’s much more advanced and is entirely generated by a computer. 

The simulation created an artificial environment by using complex technologies like position tracking and 3D near-eye displays which gives the viewer a realistic sense of a virtual world.

To be more precise, by adding depth, recreating the size and distances between static 2D pictures, and employing modern graphics, computer vision, and VR systems, you can achieve a realistic experience in the virtual world.  

Typically, this is accomplished with the use of specialist equipment, such a VR headset or set of goggles. 

VR headsets have become quite popular in the last few years and by wearing a VR headset, users can enter and explore these virtual worlds. 

These worlds may be entirely fictional or based on real-world locations or scenarios. So, when someone wears these VR headsets they enter a different world and they will remain isolated from any of their real world surroundings. 

Thus, they will only see the VR materials like games, 360 degree movies and more which will be shown through the headsets. 

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality or AR also creates a virtual world simulation like VR but the concept is a bit more complex and is the latest technology. AR Spaces provide entertaining, immersive effects to your physical surroundings. 

With the use of this technology, digital material is superimposed over the actual environment to create a hybrid of the two. 

A gadget that generates AR content overlays virtual 3D graphics on actual items based on how geometrically similar they are. 

The system’s ability to determine an object’s orientation and location in relation to other items is a need. The integrated image is displayed on mobile devices, augmented reality glasses, etc. 

Apple is focusing highly on this AR world as with hundreds of millions of AR-capable devices and dozens of AR apps available on the App Store, Apple has the largest AR platform in the world. 

What are The Differences Between AR And VR?

As both AR and VR creates a virtual simulation you might think both of these technologies are the same. But, in reality they differ a lot and there are a few key differences between them. 

EnvironmentCompletely VirtualOverlaps on real world setting
ControlCan control virtual objects interact with virtual objects overlaid onto the real world
Presence Isolated from real worldAlways remain on the real world


One of the main differences which sets apart VR and AR is the environment they are laid on. VR creates a complete virtual world where you will feel like you are in a completely new scenario or place. 

As if you are actually there, you may move and look about in any direction, up, down, aside, and behind you using VR.

Whereas on the other hand, AR overlaps images on the real world and in your surroundings. 

It improves the user’s impression of the actual surroundings by superimposing virtual objects over the real-world environment. 

Through the camera, it is utilized in applications for smartphones and tablets, allowing you to display the real environment in front of you before adding a layer of information.


The way both of these realities are controlled also varies by a margin. You can engage with and move around a wholly digital world in VR. 

Using controllers or other input devices, you can communicate with the virtual environment and modify virtual things.

On the other hand, in AR you can engage with virtual things superimposed on the actual environment. 

So, you will be able to control these items, communicate by touch or gestures, and even get information and commands depending on your surroundings in the actual world.


In AR, you won’t be isolated from the real world, instead you will notice a combination of real and virtual world. You will be able to see all the virtual elements integrated over the real world. 

But in VR, you will have a sense of being in a completely different world and you will feel isolated from the real world in every possible way. 

People frequently wear headsets that obstruct the outside world and offer a visual and audio experience that is only available in the virtual world.

Is AR Cheaper Than VR?

The overall AR technology itself is much cheaper than VR as AR can work with your phone and tablets if they support this tech so you won’t need to pay any extra.

However in the case of VR a VR headset is a must to access the technology fully, even though there are cheaper headsets available they are not that practical. So, you will need to spend a good amount of money on the VR headsets.

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that more expensive sophisticated AR headsets, like Apple’s Vision Pro, can cost more than even high end VR headsets. 


Understanding how Apple Vision Pro works can be a bit confusing as it is relatively new tech. So, our Faqs below will help you understand the working mechanism more easily.

Can AR and VR be used together?

Yes AR and VR can be combined together and combinedly known as Extended reality (XR). This technology combines components of both augmented reality and virtual reality to produce truly immersive experiences that seamlessly merge the virtual and physical worlds.

What resolution is Apple Vision Pro?

The Apple Vision Pro comes with screens of very high resolution and you will find two cutting-edge micro-OLED screens in this headset. Together, they pack an amazing 23 million pixels which is 3 times higher than any 4K screens. 

Who supplies Apple AR glasses?

The Apple AR glasses are designed in California in their head office. However, according to many trusted sources, the AR glasses will be mass manufactured by Chinese manufacturing firm Luxshare.

FInal Words

The Vision Pro from Apple can change how you see the world, how you work and how you enjoy your free time. But before buying any product it’s important to know how it works. 

Apple showed some great specs when announcing this AR headsets or which they are calling as Spatial Computer. So, now it’s time to wait and see what it actually offers. 

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